I’ve Been Thinking…and Now I Wanna Make Plans

Lately, I’ve been thinking; What can I do next with the time I have left?  We have done some travelling in the last five years and our horizon for possibilities has been expanded.

Now that the kids are grown, my husband broke free and found life outside of the steel mill and I am 3 courses from my degree, I am feeling the need to prepare for the next adventure.

I have no idea what the next stage will look like and we are keeping our options open. I envision myself teaching English in either Italy, Poland, Spain or Portugal and meeting up with Terry in a Piazza for a glass of wine and listening to his adventures at the market and then heading back to our flat and preparing dinner together.

Every day I find myself thinking of ways to make this vision a reality.





Tiber River, Rome

Tiber River, Rome

Grand Canal, Venice

Grand Canal, Venice